dinsdag 3 mei 2016

New cast announced: The grown-up versions of Ragnar's sons

Hail Vikings,

New cast members are announced on the 21st of April. 
They are seen in next week's midseason finale. Due to a time jump, the sons of Ragnar are older so the young sons of Ragnar aren't there anymore. I have done some research on the characters they play and after the bio's you find links to the new main characters. The sons are played by the following actors:

Jordan Patrick Smith (Ubbe)

Jordan Patrick Smith was born in Scotland. Best known for his role in Neighbours, Unbroken, and The Ruins. 

Want to know more about Ubbe

Marco Islø is born in Denmark. Did several TV series and films like De Fazantenmoordenaars, Mikkel og guldkortet, Dannys dommedag, Klassefesten. 

David Lindstrom is an actor and played in Blå ögon and The yearning room.


Want to know more about Sigurd

Alex Høgh Andersen (Ivar)
Alex did study acting in Eventyrteateret drama school. He is now in University studying Film and Media and doing this next to acting. Best known TV series Tvillingerne og Julemanden


Want to know more about Ivar

General links with multiple sons of Ragnar

  1. http://www.davidgarrow.com/File/DJG%202010%20CUHJTransc.pdf#page=39
  2. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4172629?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
  3. http://kirj.ee/public/Archaeology/2009/issue_2/arch-2009-2-79-95.pdf
  4. https://books.google.nl/books?hl=nl&lr=&id=XkvgBAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA45&dq=Halfdan+700+ad&ots=y1hUneCROy&sig=-L9GZJukr0MXal3RmFfpR09Nntc#v=onepage&q=Halfdan&f=false
  5. http://www.prusaspira.org/pogezana/Hilberg.pdfhttp://assets.cambridge.org/97805215/73191/sample/9780521573191wsc00.pdf
  6. http://www.langtoninfo.com/web_content/9780521573191_excerpt.pdf
  7. http://assets.cambridge.org/97805215/73191/sample/9780521573191wsc00.pdf
  8. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marika_Maegi/publication/262916595_Mgi_M._2011._Chapter_10_Viking_Age_and_early_medieval_Eastern_Baltic_between_the_West_and_the_East/links/02e7e539438bcebc64000000.pdf
  9. https://brage.bibsys.no/xmlui//bitstream/id/245485/Hanna%20Dorthea%20Hellem%20oppgave.pdf
  10. https://www.asnc.cam.ac.uk/resources/research/gts2-VikBibl2004.pdf
  11. http://www.friesian.com/germania.htm
  12. http://www.danbyrnes.com.au/lostworlds/features/vikings2.htm
  13. http://xenohistorian.faithweb.com/europe/eu07a.html
  14. http://www.cultorweb.com/eBooks/Storia/Historical%20Dictionary%20of%20the%20Vikings.pdf

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